President’s Communications

Hello, FLAVA. This message has four very important points. Please read, as all four relate to you! 1. The 2021 Fall Conference Proposal deadline is fast approaching. Have you submitted your proposal? Please do so here. Sharing your thoughts and demonstrating your strategies are key to someone’s success in the world language classroom. The submission deadline is...

Hello, FLAVA. I write to you for three reasons. (1) News about the fall 2021 conference. (2) The logo to accompany our conference theme. And (3) The importance of this week. The fall conference will be virtual. I cannot say that the decision was an easy one, but after...

Hello FLAVA, The Foreign Language Association of Virginia is now accepting proposals for its annual spring conference, Languages: Beyond Boundaries. Proposals will be accepted immediately, continuing through 11:59 PM, Tuesday, January 5, 2021. Because Languages do take us Beyond Boundaries, we encourage all to submit a proposal for this, the...

Hello, FLAVA! Many thanks to all who were able to attend and lead in FLAVA’s first virtual conference for language educators. What a theme -- Beyond Languages! What we learned this last weekend only reinforces the importance of possessing communicative skills in languages other than our native tongue and...

FLAVA members, please review the following proposed amendment changes to the FLAVA constitution. See the proposed changes here....

Hello FLAVA. I promised that you would receive periodic updates regarding the fall 2020 online FLAVA conference to be held on October 9 and 10, 2020. I can happily let you know that the conference committee is advancing at a fast rate and is finalizing the program...

Hello FLAVA, I write to let you know that the Executive Board and Advisory Council met the last weekend in May to hear from the various committees and our affiliates, and to discuss the fall conference scheduled to take place in Williamsburg in October. At that meeting,...

The Foreign Language Association of Virginia (FLAVA) holds steadfast to the Declaration of Independence ratified in July 1776, whereby all are created equal and have, as endowed by their Creator, certain unalienable rights including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Recently a man’s life...

With the uncertainty of things, I felt compelled to write to check on your status and wanted to find out if there is anything that FLAVA can do for you in these times of transition and questions. We are all in this together so that means...

Hello, FLAVA. There are several items we need to discuss at this time of crisis locally and nationally. 1. I need to let you know that the workshop scheduled for Thursday, 19 March 2020, is being postponed until the fall. Once we have determined the exact date, we will...