24 Aug President’s Message – Beyond Languages: 2020 FLAVA Conference
Hello FLAVA.
I promised that you would receive periodic updates regarding the fall 2020 online FLAVA conference to be held on October 9 and 10, 2020. I can happily let you know that the conference committee is advancing at a fast rate and is finalizing the program as I write. When all is ready for viewing, you will receive an email and information will be posted on Twitter and FaceBook.
Some presenters have selected to pre-record their sessions. Other presenters have chosen to do their sessions live. One thing is for sure; the conference program is being created in order to meet your needs and adjusted to your daily schedules.
We are thrilled to let you know that our keynote speaker at the conference will be Amanda Seewald, owner and CEO of MARACAS Language Programs Learning Kaleidoscope and President-elect of the JNCL-NCLIS. More information about Amanda will be posted on the conference web pages in the upcoming weeks.
I do have some additional news, all conference-related, to share with you. Our willing and able Conference Coordinator, JoAna Smith, resigned from the position at the end of July in order to continue her career path in educational administration. JoAna is assuming the position of Dean of Students at L.C. Bird High School in Chesterfield. Those of you who may not be aware, JoAna is also pursuing a Masters in Administration and Supervision at the University of Virginia. JoAna says that “FLAVA has prepared me with developing leadership skills to prepare me for this role and my future goal of being a principal. Our conferences and network of professionals have helped me understand how to support teachers and WL programs.” We wish JoAna the best as she makes this transition in her life.
New to the position of Conference Coordinator, but not new to FLAVA, is Patricia Orozco Watrel, PhD, who assumed the position of Conference Coordinator upon JoAna’s departure. Dr. Watrel joined FLAVA in 2014 and almost immediately became an active and contributing member. She started as the assistant to the chair of the Membership Committee and served, until August 2020, as registration chair of the Conference Committee. Her academic field is Spanish language, literature, and culture. She is a professor at the University of Mary Washington where she also serves as chair of the Student Affairs Committee and as assessment coordinator of world language courses that count toward general education requirements. Welcome aboard, Patricia.
School is upon us. Some of us will be in the earthly classroom. Others of us will be in the virtual classroom. Yet even some of us will be suspended between the two. Whatever your “predicament” during these crazy times, I wish you continued good health and a thriving and productive new school year.
Look for our updates; there will be more to come.
Best to you,
Dick Kuettner
President, Foreign Language Association of Virginia
Registration link: https://flavaweb.org/conference/fall-conference/
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