FLAVA is proud to announce Heidi Trude as the 2017 David Cox Teacher of the Year Award recipient. Heidi is a French teacher at Skyline High School in Warren County Public School Division.
Colleagues, administrators and students describe Heidi as innovative, giving and an invaluable resource. She gladly shares her ideas and cutting-edge methods that use technology to foster second language acquisition. By creating a relationship with a school in France via technology, Heidi gives her students real time interactions with students there. Trude describes her students’ response to the real-world connection as “magic.” “They were no longer just taking a foreign language to fulfill the advanced diploma requirement – it was now real life application of the language.”
Different, innovative, tech-laden, creative, and hands-on (known as DITCH) from Matt Miller’s book, Ditch That Textbook, reflect Heidi’s philosophy of education. She has dared to be different, in trying new things and exposing her students to authentic language situations.
Heidi shared a quote from a previous mentor, “Do what you love, and love what you do.” This exemplifies her passion and joy for being a very effective educator.
As a staunch supporter of language programs in Virginia for a number of years, George Van den Bergh has been a constant exhibitor and presenter at the FLAVA conferences. He entered into a partnership with the Virginia Foreign Language Supervisors Association to offer a pilot program with free access to his platform, thisislanguage.com, to every world language teacher in Virginia. Teachers and students alike find “the Nutty Tilez game to be addictive and fun.” George also presented at numerous workshops around the state to provide no cost professional development to classroom teachers.
Although the pilot program has ended, George continues to support Virginia teachers, and this is at no small expense as he travels from England to Virginia to provide this service. He visited as a sponsor of the first annual Virginia Foreign Language Association’s Visioning Institute at which he gave an update on the thisislanguage.com website.
Because of his commitment to improving the teaching and learning of world languages in Virginia and his charming and encouraging manner, George Van den Bergh is a very deserving recipient of the 2017 Friend of FLAVA award.
This year’s recipient of the FLAVA Helen Warriner-Burke Distinguished Service Award is Carol Bass, World Language Supervisor for Prince William County World Language Program. Carol has served as a dedicated leader for over 30 years. Her constituents remark that Carol is “among the most visible proponents of staff development, always looking for the best practices in the field of languages, a strong voice for change.”
Carol’s career has been framed by her spirit of service, leading efforts to enhance the Spanish for Native Speakers program, ESL program, International Baccalaureate Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programs.
One of the hallmarks of Carol’s leadership is her “consistent positive attitude and willingness to go above and beyond on behalf of students and Division.” In addition to her impressive history as a division supervisor, Carol also serves as an Adjunct Graduate Professor of George Mason University.
Carol Bass personifies effective, distinguished service.
Courtney Rose (Longwood, French)
Brandie Zelaya (Longwood, ESL & Spanish)
Savannah Aigner (VCU, Spanish)
Justin Ferranto (Longwood, German and French)
Not pictured: Liam Deihr (UMW, Latin) and Maria Wilcox (ODU, Spanish)
Effie Hall, Woodgrove High School
German Teacher & Department Chair
Effie Hall will represent FLAVA at NECTFL in February, 2018.
Devyn Keller, Matoaca High School
Latin Teacher
Devyn Keller will represent FLAVA at SCOLT in March, 2018.
Honorable Mention:
Dr. Daryl “Gus” Grissom, BASIS Independent McLean
Latin teacher
Cecilia Abare, Gainesville Middle School 2016 Best of FLAVA Award
Myrna Barr, Cumberland County High School Cumberland High Technology Teacher 2016
Catilin Campbell, Dominion High School 2017 Modern Myth Chair, VJCL Convention
Jennifer Carson, Coordinator of World Languages for Virginia Beach City Public Schools Elected President of the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages (NADSFL)
Alba M. Croce-Andueza, Mills E. Godwin High School Henrico County Teacher Fest Presenter in 2016
Olivia Exum, Goochland High School Recipient of Goochland County’s flexible seating grant
Gisele Falls, Tallwood High School Masters in Spanish universidad de Salamanca; Trailblazers Award Recipient by the Hispanic Leadership Forum
Anthony Ferrara, Jr., William Monroe High School Studied Technology for Spanish teachers abroad this past summer in Salamanca, Spain
Deborah Ford, Amelia County High School 2016 Teacher of the Year for her school and county, reflecting 40 years of teaching
I-Ping Fu, Radford University 2016 Fellowship to research in Taiwan
Diamond Gee, Bethel High School High School Teacher of the Year for Hampton City Schools
Nyshae Gibson, Booker T. Washington High School 2017-2018 Booker T. Washington Teacher of the Year
Shirley Hall, Ocean Lakes High School Distinguished Teacher Certificate
Norah Jones, Fluency Consulting LLC Certified Gallup Strengths Coach; Keynoter, Mississippi World Language Conference 2017
Isidoro Kessel, Thomas Nelson Community College Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE), a highly competitive award presented annually to the one faculty member in the VCCS who best exemplifies teaching excellence and all the other responsibilities that go with instructional appointments
Devyn Keller, Matoaca High School 2017 Chesterfield County Public Schools Novice Foreign Language Teacher Award
Magdalena Markovinovic, E.C. Glass High School The U. S. Department of State recognition for crucial role in the 2016 German-American Partnership Program (GAPP) as E. C. Glass High School’s GAPP Coordinator
Catherine Mazzola, Midlothian High School French program was recognized as one of eleven schools and universities in the nation to receive an AATF Exemplary Program with Honors award
Jamie Midyette, Albert Hill Middle School 2018 Teacher of the Year for Albert Hill Middle School
Cynthia Moore, Waynesboro High School National Board Certification was renewed
Dr. Kathyrn Murphy-Judy, Virginia Commonwealth University Named Coordinator of French Program at VCU
Ester Orellana, ESL Richmond City Public Schools Top Ten Teacher of the Year 2017
Maria Parrales, Old Dominion University Inducted into Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish honorary
Amy Petersen, Midlothian High School REB Award Recipient to participate in an immersion French course and tour the Ancient Roman sites of Provence
Beatrix Preussse-Burr, Fairfax County Public Schools, Elected president of VFLSA
Timotha Rainey, Tuscarora High School One of fourteen French teachers nationally who were awarded a scholarship to complete pedagogical study at CAVILAM in Vichy, France for 2 weeks in July 2017
Megan Rebman, Midlothian and Monacan High Schools Inducted into Gamma Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International (teacher honorary)
Darrelle “Rudy” Smith, Elected Treasurer of VFLSA
JoAna Smith, Midlothian High School FLAVA representative to Leadership Initiative for Language Learning (LILL), 2017
Pamela St. Clair, Rockbridge County High School REACH Award 2016; 2017 Outstanding Teacher designation by an outgoing senior student
Bettina Staudt, Chesterfield County Public Schools Named World Language Curriculum Specialist for Chesterfield County Schools
Linda Szwabowski, Trinity Episcopal School, Chesterfield County’s World Language Novice Teacher Award has been renamed to honor her service and leadership in world languages
Heidi Trude, Skyline High School 2017 Virginia Region IV Teacher of the Year; EdTech Team MasterClass Leader for VA; Google Curriculum Development Specialist for VA
Karin Woodrum, Lafayette High School 2016 Best of FLAVA Award
Lorena Wornom, Alanton Elementary School Alanton Elementary School Teacher of the Year, 2018
Dr. Celia Zamora, Oakcrest School Received Ph.D. with honors from Georgetown University; had 3 articles published in peer-reviewed journals; Graduate Student Teacher of the Year from Georgetown University; a “Hispanic Scholar of the Year” from the Hispanic Scholarship Fund