Professional Growth beyond FLAVA

FLAVA has partnered with The Comprehensible Classroom to offer online courses to our members.   Learn the basic of Acquisition Driven Instruction and Proficiency-based assessment! Learn at your own pace with pre-recorded course videos PLUS online live events, forum, and more! CE Credit Hours Included - Graduate...

Second Annual Workshop on the Teaching of Writing, May 13, 2025, 10 am - 3 pm, UVA Language Commons This day-long workshop led by guest facilitator Heather Willis Allen (UW-Madison), introduces participants to a design approach to creating writing activities in the foreign language class. The...

VIRGINIA FRENCH TEACHERS FREN 425   FRENCH MEDIA & CURRENT EVENTS Synchronous Online Course Tuesday Evenings 7:00-9:40 PM Jan. 16 to Apr. 30, 2024   Spring 2024 Content: This online course provides an opportunity to access online French media with topics that appeal to Virginia teachers and their students. Read articles, watch videos, engage...

EDCAMPCIVA - 2023   What: 2 day EDCAMP - Day 1 will be a traditional EDCAMP and Day 2 will be set up with hour long workshops and time for collaboration as well.   Where: Virginia Beach on the campus of Cape Henry Collegiate   When: June 27th - June 28th...

EdcampCIVa 2022 is a free one day unconference for world language educators (and future educators) from Virginia, DC metro area, and North Carolina. It will be held on July 28th in Chesapeake, VA at Deep Creek High School. Please visit our website for more information and register here! ...

  Early registration for SCOLT 2022 in Norfolk, VA ends on March 1st at 11:59PM. After this date, you will only be able to register onsite at the Waterside Marriott and will not have the opportunity to attend our amazing FLAVA luncheon on Saturday, April 2,...

If you are a world language teacher interested in project-based language learning (PBLL), we invite you to join our live, in-person PBLL Summer Institute, 26-30 July, 2021 at the Monroe Park campus of Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA! Information about the Summer Institute can be found here: The...

Aloha! The National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) is pleased to make an additional offering of our Envisioning PBLL online course. Sign up today! Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) April 5 – May 7, 2021 Registration deadline: April 1, 2021 Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) is designed as a...

Each Wednesday at 10am starting June 17 the Virginia Department of Education will present a topic of interest to world language teachers and supervisors in preparation for reentry in the 2020-2021 school year. All sessions will be recorded and made available for later access. Registration is...

The dates for NECTFL 2021 have been changed! The conference will be held April 22–24 in New York City. Please mark your calendars accordingly! Because of this change, the deadline for proposal...