Professional Growth

FLAVA has partnered with The Comprehensible Classroom to offer online courses to our members.   Learn the basic of Acquisition Driven Instruction and Proficiency-based assessment! Learn at your own pace with pre-recorded course videos PLUS online live events, forum, and more! CE Credit Hours Included - Graduate...

Second Annual Workshop on the Teaching of Writing, May 13, 2025, 10 am - 3 pm, UVA Language Commons This day-long workshop led by guest facilitator Heather Willis Allen (UW-Madison), introduces participants to a design approach to creating writing activities in the foreign language class. The...

Hello FLAVA members! My name is Shane Goodpasture and I started this year as FLAVA´s Mentor Program Chair! I teach Spanish and serve as my school´s world language department chair in Smyth County in Southwest Virginia! I'm excited about this adventure working with FLAVA and members across...

VIRGINIA FRENCH TEACHERS FREN 425   FRENCH MEDIA & CURRENT EVENTS Synchronous Online Course Tuesday Evenings 7:00-9:40 PM Jan. 16 to Apr. 30, 2024   Spring 2024 Content: This online course provides an opportunity to access online French media with topics that appeal to Virginia teachers and their students. Read articles, watch videos, engage...

Share YOUR Ideas at FLAVA 2022! Greetings, FLAVA members! Do you or a colleague have an inspired idea that you would like to share? Have the challenges that you’ve faced sparked new ideas and strategies? Have reflections allowed you to see activities with new and fresh eyes? ...

  Early registration for SCOLT 2022 in Norfolk, VA ends on March 1st at 11:59PM. After this date, you will only be able to register onsite at the Waterside Marriott and will not have the opportunity to attend our amazing FLAVA luncheon on Saturday, April 2,...

The FLAVA Teacher Ed and PD Committee would like your input on your professional learning needs for the 2021-22 school year FLAVA Teacher Workshop Series regardless of whether you have attended FLAVA workshops in the past or not. Please take a moment to complete this very...

FLAVA cordially invites you to join us for our next FLAVA Teacher Workshop, Thursday, September 23, 2021 (4 PM - 5 PM): Interdisciplinary Learning with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals   With presenter, Rachel Thompson (2020 FLAVA Teacher of the Year) Come learn about how to utilize the UN Sustainable...

Hello, FLAVA. Dick Kuettner here, once again, to encourage you to –   1. Register for the virtual FLAVA fall conference – ONE VIRGINIA, Many Languages – to be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 7, 8, and 9, 2021. Conference registration is only $75, and it...

FLAVA is fortunate to have members who represent a wide range of perspectives, experience, and expertise. We are looking to capitalize on our collective wisdom by creating a series of short (10 - 15 minutes) mentoring videos answering questions such as "How do I get my students to...