
Goochland Middle School is searching for a full-time Spanish teacher! All classes are honors-level. Basic information is below.Please contact Demetra Harris: TITLE: TeacherWORK SCHEDULE: 200 days (10-month)EMPLOYMENT STATUS: CertifiedLICENSE REQUIRED: YesSALARY RANGE: $46,565 - $60,026...

Virginia Governor’s Full-Immersion World Language Academies: Summer 2022 Employment Opportunities   Applications sought for Directors, Teachers, Language Mentors for the French, German, and Spanish full-immersion programs! Teaching at the Academies is a rewarding and challenging experience that will help individuals grow as instructors in the field.   Apply now...

Hello, FLAVA. Before I exit stage right (never stage left), I wanted to share a few things with you. 1. How much I have enjoyed working with you and how much I appreciate that you have entrusted me to care for FLAVA as the organization’s president twice...

You deserve a gift for all your hard work this year. Our regional language associations, both SCOLT and NECTFL, offer awards, scholarships, and leadership programs for language educators at the secondary and post-secondary levels. Click on each organization to read up on ways to reward yourself or another...

The Virginia Commonwealth University College of Humanities and Sciences is recruiting adjunct faculty for the Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 semesters within the French Program of the School of World Studies. The program is specifically looking for one or more instructors to teach introductory French...

Register by this Tuesday, December 7, 2021 for the upcoming December 9 complimentary FLAVA Teacher Workshop (Co-Constructing Practices To Help Students With Disabilities Move Toward Proficiency), and your name will be entered into the drawing for a free copy of the book Disability And World Language Learning: Inclusive...

Dear FLAVA Members, As we begin this season of Thanksgiving and gratitude, I am thankful for so many things, among which are our strong world language association, FLAVA, and its incredible members. Part of my duty as the incoming president of FLAVA is to assemble the best advisory board...

FLAVA is pleased to announce the following recipients of the Best of FLAVA Award for their outstanding presentations at this year's FLAVA conference. Representing FLAVA at SCOLT will be Jihye Moon and Young Jung from George Mason University with their presentation Implementing Film Projects in Language Classrooms Representing FLAVA at...

King's Fork High School in Suffolk, VA has an full time upper level Spanish position available for immediate start for the 2021-22 school year. Only 1 prep! Please contact Mr. Bryant, principal, at or 757-923-5240. ...

Congratulations to our Virginia World Language Teachers of the Year, award winners, recognized university students, and LILL representative!   Learn more about our 2021 award recipients and see the award ceremony video here.   ...