
Congratulations on another successful school year! Thanks for all you do for World Language programs and students, in and outside of the classroom. Here are two important registrations for consideration. If you would like some innovative ideas for instruction, the fall FLAVA conference is October 3-5,...

We are currently seeking a full-time Spanish teacher for the the 2019-20 school year at Miller School of Albemarle in Charlottesville. Spanish Position 2019-2020 (1)...

Full-time teaching opening for Levels 1-5 of high school French. See attachment for more information. french teacher high school ft 2019-20...

CCPS has an opening for a high school Spanish teacher at Eastern View High School. Apply now to work in what Architectural Digest calls the "Prettiest Town in Virginia" (2018). Job Listing/Application:

Dear Colleagues, The Spanish Embassy graciously has agreed to award one of our members with a scholarship to study abroad in Spain for the summer of 2020. Here is the link to learn more about the programs available for 2019. The actual opportunities for 2020 have not been posted at...

Dear Friends and Colleagues, I am happy to share with you an important update from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and Lead with Languages, ACTFL's public awareness campaign that strives to create a new generation of Americans competent in other languages and...

Job opening for a middle school Spanish teacher in Clarke County. Will be teaching levels I and II. Visit for more information ...

Charlottesville High School in Charlottesville, Virginia seeks a full-time Spanish teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. If you have a passion for making a difference with a wonderfully diverse student population, please submit an application with Charlottesville City Schools. Please use this link to see...

Goochland County Public Schools are anticipated middle school French and Spanish teacher vacancies for the 2019/20 SY. Attached you will find our most recent teacher job description including the salary range. Teacher Job Description - 2019_2020 ...