
Albemarle County is always looking for excellent teachers to join our team and we have started posting World Language positions for the 2019-2020 school year. Notably, we will have openings for German, French, and Spanish teachers at the secondary level in addition to our FLES...

Temporary job starting Monday, April 8, and going through at least mid-May with potential to be all of May if available. Ms Exum will provide detailed plans and as many help sessions beforehand and by phone during the time as needed! Goochland High is about 30 minutes...

Free Language Testing International (LTI) Webinar presented by LTI AAPPL Educator Panel Member Jason Noble, Immediate Past President of the Iowa World Language Association (IWLA): He will discuss administering the AAPPL and implementing the Seal of Biliteracy in your classroom. The webinar will be held Sunday, April 7...

We are now accepting proposals and registration for our EXHIBITORS. Please click the links to be a part of FLAVA’s 2019 Fall Conference. –> Exhibitor Registration –> Exhibitor Call for Proposals –> Exhibitor Info Page ...

Do you need recertification points for licensure? Did you know you can earn up to 45 points for attending conferences? You can earn 15 points for each session you present at the FLAVA Fall Conference! You can also earn 5 points per day of attending the conference! Please...

There is an immediate vacancy for a full-time Spanish teacher at Bayside HS in Virginia Beach City Public Schools until the end of the year. For more details, please contact Dr. Bermina Nickerson at

Join us for our annual World Language Day on the campus of the University of Mary Washington (UMW) in Fredericksburg, VA on Saturday, March 30, 2019. Students will show in fun competitions how well they know French, German, or Spanish. After spelling bees, poetry recitation, or...

The 2019 Virginia STARTALK Chinese TEACHER/STUDENT Academy celebrates its 12th anniversary this year and marks its 4thyear in leading national pioneering work on online teaching and learning in Mandarin Chinese at the University of Virginia (UVA). The program is led by Professor Miao-fen Tseng (Founding Director of the...