Professional Growth beyond FLAVA

There will be an international conference and youth summit held 9-14 July 2018 at John Handley High school in Winchester, VA for teachers of languages, sponsored by iEARN, the International Education And Resource Network. iEARN can be an amazing resource for teachers aiming to integrate UNESCO...

The 7th International Conference on Immersion & Dual Language Education will be held on February 6 - 9, 2019, with the theme, "Transforming Communities through Multilingualism." Several partners in North Carolina, including East Carolina University, the NC Department of Public Instruction, and UNC-Charlotte have joined with the University...

The Greater Washington Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages (GWATFL) Spring Conference in partnership with The National Cathedral School in Washington, D.C., is approaching! We are eager to share with you the latest updates. Mark your calendar, April 28th, 2018 from 9AM to 2 PM....

Teaching for Proficiency Institute 6/21 & 6/22 Sponsored by CT COLT and RIFLA at Stonington High School in CT You are cordially invited by CT COLT and RIFLA to join us again this June for an amazing two-day workshop to improve student proficiency. With many states working...

Technology for a Monday Morning Registration deadline March 15 Dear Foreign Language Teachers, My colleagues and I hope that you will join us for a full day of complimentary professional development programming in the International Commons of the Carole Weinstein International Center at the University of Richmond on...

Summer Language Institute for Spanish and French Teachers Application deadline March 2 Southern Oregon University’s Summer Language Institute enables you to earn your MASTER’S in Spanish or French Language Teaching while working as a practicing teacher. Don’t need a Master’s degree but still want to keep learning?...

ACTFL 2018 Summer Scholarships Applications for the 2018 summer scholarships are now open! Summer scholarships are available exclusively for ACTFL members and include language refresher courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, and Spanish. Courses range from online to around the world. In-person locations include: Cairo, Egypt Bordeaux, France Sorrento, Italy Cuernavaca,...

CLEAR Summer Workshops The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at The Ohio State University is excited to announce its fully-funded, four-week summer program for K-12 educators to experience the Andes! CLAS received a grant from the Fulbright-Hays Groups Projects Abroad (GPA) Program in the U.S....

VIRTUAL LEARNING WITH ACTFL ACTFL’s Language Educators’ Learning Portal is your gateway to high quality professional development resources, keeping you connected with what’s most effective in language learning—at your pace and on your schedule. ACTFL’s library of Virtual Learning Modules (VLMs) is designed for busy teachers...