
As a reminder, the FLAVA Spring Mini-Conference will be held Saturday April 18, 2020 at Washington & Lee University. If you register by April 4, 2020, the price of $40 includes breakfast and lunch. You can register at The FLAVA Fall conference will be held at the DoubleTree in Williamsburg, VA on October 8-10, 2020. The...

The Department of World Languages and Cultures at ODU is proud to host its fifth High School Spanish Spelling Bee 5 levels of competition: Spanish I, II, III, IV, and heritage speaker level Saturday, April 4th, 2020 9:00 am -12:00 pm New Education Building, ODU, Norfolk, Virginia For more information, see...

FLAVA Interactive Teacher Workshop - December 5, 2019 4:00-6:00pm Moving Towards Proficiency Presented By: Eric S. Jaworski, 2018 FLAVA Teacher of the Year Language proficiency implies the ability to have a fluid (verbal or written) conversation. This means not being stopped by a lack of knowledge! Proficient speakers...

FLAVA and EF Education First are pleased to announce a unique professional learning opportunity for teachers of any and all world languages. Each year, EF Educational Tours offers a professional learning travel scholarship to educators working with grades 6-12 to travel to Berlin, Germany, and...

It's time to start planning your schedule for #FLAVA19! Access SCHED to create your personalized conference schedule.

Congratulations on another successful school year! Thanks for all you do for World Language programs and students, in and outside of the classroom. Here are two important registrations for consideration. If you would like some innovative ideas for instruction, the fall FLAVA conference is October 3-5,...

Free Language Testing International (LTI) Webinar presented by LTI AAPPL Educator Panel Member Jason Noble, Immediate Past President of the Iowa World Language Association (IWLA): He will discuss administering the AAPPL and implementing the Seal of Biliteracy in your classroom. The webinar will be held Sunday, April 7...

Join us for our annual World Language Day on the campus of the University of Mary Washington (UMW) in Fredericksburg, VA on Saturday, March 30, 2019. Students will show in fun competitions how well they know French, German, or Spanish. After spelling bees, poetry recitation, or...