FLAVA Interactive Teacher Workshop – This Thursday at 4pm

FLAVA Interactive Teacher Workshop – This Thursday at 4pm

FLAVA Interactive Teacher Workshop – December 5, 2019 4:00-6:00pm

Moving Towards Proficiency

Presented By: Eric S. Jaworski, 2018 FLAVA Teacher of the Year

Language proficiency implies the ability to have a fluid (verbal or written) conversation. This means not being stopped by a lack of knowledge! Proficient speakers do not need to know every single word. They do need, however, familiarity with other words and major grammatical structures in order to be able to fill in any missing piece(s) and offer an appropriate reply, before the conversation could devolve into long, blank stares or drawn-out repetitions. In both receiving and giving information, this also necessitates not relying too heavily on nonverbal cues. In this workshop, we will discuss how we can move our students in the right direction where proficiency becomes a natural part of the communication process.

For more information and to register for this amazing workshop, visit https://flavaweb.org/professional-growth/workshop-registration/

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