Career Opportunities in World Languages

Diplomatic Language Services (DLS), founded in 1985, specializes in the provision of language and cultural training and related language services to US government and commercial clients. We are currently seeking a highly organized, motivated Language Project Coordinator to support one ongoing language services contract. Key Duties...

LATIN TEACHER (PART-TIME AND FULL-TIME) The Covenant School in Charlottesville, Virginia is seeking a dedicated and dynamic individual with the ability to teach Latin at any level. Two positions are available: a full-time position which will lead one course (two sections) in the middle school and two...

LOWER SCHOOL Foreign Language Teacher K-5 Position Description The Covenant School is seeking a dynamic language teacher to shepherd our students in their first steps in becoming lovers of language. This teacher will be conversationally fluent in Spanish and/or French with a strong grasp of the people,...

Colonial Heights Public Schools, located just 20 miles from Richmond, Virginia, has an opening at our High School for a French Teacher. Candidates must hold or be eligible for a Virginia Department of Education Teachers License with a French endorsement. Please apply at ...

We are looking to hire a part-time Mandarin and a part-time Arabic instructor for next year. Both positions are fully-online (even in non-pandemic times!). Instruction is synchronous and classes are small. More information can be found here:

The Emory & Henry College Foreign Languages Department invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning August 2021. We seek candidates to teach all level courses for Hispanic Studies and Spanish – Teacher Preparation programs. The faculty member will be...

Virginia Beach Schools is looking for a long-term substitute to teach high school French. Candidates can click on this link to read about it and create a profile to apply. Email Danielle Gish, the admin assistant at the school with questions. ...

Prince William County is seeking German teachers for 2020-21. Positions are open in middle and high school. Please contact or for more information.

The Chesterfield County Public Schools Online Department is looking for World Language Educators who are interested in teaching part-time for the remainder of this year. We are looking for French, German, Latin, Spanish, Chinese, ASL, and Japanese instructors. If interested, please contact Mr. Ernest Longworth,...

Sixth Grade Spanish Immersion Teacher needed for Fort Hunt Elementary School in Alexandria, VA. The teacher will be teaching math and science to sixth graders for a period of 4-6 weeks maternity leave. If interested, please contact Sra. Myers at 787-238-6265 or This is a...