Career Opportunities in World Languages

Online American Sign Language (ASL) Course Developer Fairfax County Public Schools Job Posting: Hourly: $34.36 per Hour Location: Anywhere Description: The Online ASL Course Developer develops online curriculum and instructional materials; assists with planning, implementing, and delivery of digital courses aligned with the Fairfax County Public Schools Program of Studies for...

There is an immediate vacancy for at Swift Creek Middle School, Chesterfield County Public Schools. Interested candidates should contact CCPS HR, Dr. RJ Gregor at or Dr. Bettina Staudt at

Chesterfield County Public Schools is looking for Dual Immersion Spanish teachers K-6. Please contact Human Resources at Chesterfield County Public Schools and apply online at For information call Dr. Bettina Staudt at 804 639-8974 ext. 1303, District World Language Specialist K-12...

There's a .6 French position available now in Arlington Public Schools, Virginia - that's 3 sections of classes. Typically, there are opportunities to grow into a full-time position in the future! Apply today!

CCPS is still looking for French, Spanish, German, and Spanish Dual Language Immersion teachers. Interested candidates need to apply at and contact Dr. Bettina Staudt at

Long-Term Substitute: Upper School French St. Anne's-Belfield School Charlottesville, VA Dates: January 6, 2020 - April 10, 2020. Qualified applicants are sought for a long-term substitute position. Full-time classroom teaching experience, strong organizational and classroom management skills, and demonstrated ability to teach French levels 1 - 3 are...

The Foreign Languages Department at Emory & Henry College is seeking a one-year, with possibility of renewal, full-time Visiting Assistant Professor or Instructor of Spanish to teach six to eight introductory-level courses per year (on a 3 + 3 or 4 + 4 basis). This...

Chesterfield County Public Schools is searching to fill the following teaching positions for the 2019/2020 school year: LC Bird High School - German full-time Cosby High School - German part-time Meadowbrook High School - Spanish full-time Thomas Dale High School - Spanish full-time Carver Middle School - French part-time Please apply...

The Covenant School is looking for a Spanish teacher for students in grades pre-K through 5. The ideal candidate will be passionate about teaching Spanish in a Christian environment. Applicants with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish as well as an education degree are preferred. Experience...

We are currently seeking a full-time Spanish teacher for the the 2019-20 school year at Miller School of Albemarle in Charlottesville. Spanish Position 2019-2020 (1)...