20 Jan VFLSA Report to FLAVA (May 2016)
VFLSA Report to FLAVA 2016
A meeting of the Virginia Foreign Language Supervisors Association (VFLSA) was held on September 26, 2015 at the FLAVA Conference in Williamsburg, sponsored by Pearson. A session focusing on Common Performance-Based Assessments was held following the luncheon.
The annual meeting of the Virginia Foreign Language Supervisors Association (VFLSA) was held on March 4, 2016 in Henrico County, sponsored by Middlebury Interactive, which provided a presentation on Blended Learning. Lea Graner-Kennedy joined via SKYPE from Connecticut to discuss LangTalks, a new national initiative offering a platform of videos for personalized, free professional growth. Elections were held with Rudy Smith elected as Treasurer for a two year term and Jeremy Aldrich elected for a second two year term as Vice President joining President, Jennifer Carson, and Secretary, Linda Szwabowski. Suzette Wyhs remains on the board as Immediate Past President. Changes to the VFLSA Constitution were
presented and approved by unanimous vote. VFLSA recognized Lisa Harris, VDOE Specialist for Foreign Languages and International Education and 2015 NCSSFL State Supervisor of the Year, with a certificate of appreciation for her dedication to world
language education. Dr. Harris described the summer TELL Institute, a two day professional development
opportunity to be led by Juan Carlos Morales, Thomas Sauer, and Alyssa Villarreal in Roanoke. Further, she
updated members on the Leadership Initiative for Language Learning (LILL), a proposed pre-FLAVA MOPI
Institute, enhancements to the Guide for Implementing the Foreign Language Standards of Learning in
Virginia Classrooms, and procedures for the new Seal of Biliteracy. Sample Biliteracy Seal documents
shared by VFLSA members (applications, testing protocols, etc.) are posted in the VFLSA Member
Dropbox. Dr. Harris concluded with encouraging attendance at the Spring FLAVA Conference in
Lexington, VA and the FLAVA workshops. Jeremy is organizing another one-week Dual Language Content
Teaching Academy at James Madison University this summer from June 27-July 1, 2016. Based on the
model of World Language Day at University of Mary Washington, Jen teamed with Old Dominion
University to organize the first Spanish Spelling Bee for high school students in the Hampton Roads
region on April 9, 2016.
Afternoon discussions focused upon LILL’s Six Core Practices, NADSFL’s new Principles of Effective World
Language Programs document, and textbook adoption without an Approved VDOE List. The advocacy of
VFLSA members was acknowledged as crucial to the adoption of the Virginia Diploma Seal of Biliteracy
and the defeat of proposed legislation to award foreign language credit for computer coding or
programming courses. Development of revised diploma requirements (Profile of a Virginia Graduate) will
be monitored by the President. Members can check legislative action using Virginia’s Legislative
Information System.
VFLSA will offer a Luncheon Meeting at the 2016 Fall FLAVA conference and has proposed two sessions
for supervisors: Year One of the Biliteracy Seal in Virginia and K-20+ Bridging Forum.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer N. Carson
President, Virginia Foreign Language Supervisors Association
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