20 Jan CLTA-VA Spring 2014 Report
The CLTA-VA fall 2013 workshop was successfully held at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, on Oct. 12, 2013. We thank for Professor Neil Kubler of Williams College and Professor Liang Hsin-hsin of UVA and Professor Ann Kun of Randolph College to give us these excellent presentations.
There will be three event/programs in spring and summer 2014:
I. CLTA-VA Chinese pedagogy spring workshop on Saturday, April 19th in George Mason University
To best serve members and friends, the CLTA-VA continues to provide high quality conferences FREE of charge for CLTA-VA members. We will partner with George Mason University for this spring workshop. Detailed information and flyer will be released in early 2014. Please mark your calendar for this event.
II. CLTA-VA College Scholarships (HES) for summer study abroad, sponsored by TECRO, Department of Education in Taiwan
The CLTA-VA is excited to announce that TECRO is committed to provide three (3) scholarships, NT 25,000 (equals to $833/per month) for two months of study abroad in summer 2014. The candidates have to be non-heritage college students who will study Chinese language in Taiwan. You can submit your application or nominate your students for this scholarship to CLTA-VA via email to Hongchu Fu <fuh@wlu.edu>. The deadline is 1/31/2014. The selected candidates will be announced in our April workshop.
III. High school summer study abroad in Taiwan 2014
A high school study program for the group of 10 high school students will be scheduled from June 19 to July 7th in 2014. Students will study Chinese language in ChengKung University in Taiwan. For more details, please contact Tina Kao at tina_kao@yahoo.com. The deadline is 1/31/2014. Each of the students can be awarded of $90.00 per week from TECRO upon approval.
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