Professional Growth

The annual FLAVA Spring Mini-Conference is right around the corner! Join us Saturday March 27, 2021 for a day of virtual learning, networking, and growth with the theme Languages: Beyond Boundaries. Learn more and register here. We look forward to learning with you!...

Are you interested in collaborating with dynamic world language educators from across the nation, growing your leadership skills, and giving back to your language colleagues and FLAVA? If so, we have a great opportunity for you that we encourage you to read about here! FLAVA can nominate...

Did you know that our regional language associations, both SCOLT and NECTFL, offer awards, scholarships, and leadership programs for language educators at the secondary and post-secondary levels? Click on each organization to be linked to more info. Some have deadlines coming up in January so don't delay! Please...

Hello FLAVA, Please note the following: Workshop, 10 December 2020, 4 – 6 PM, Virginia 2019 World Language Teacher of the Year, Amy Petersen, “Personalize for Engagement.” There is still time to register. Invite a friend, colleague, in-service student, new teacher. Let’s take over the Internet and make it...

The next FLAVA Teacher Workshop is scheduled for Thursday, December 10, 2020 (4PM - 6PM) via Zoom. In this workshop, 2019 Virginia World Languages Teacher of the Year, Amy Petersen (Latin Teacher), will explore ways we can expand the use of personalization to motivate students to listen, speak, read, and write in...

Hello FLAVA, The Foreign Language Association of Virginia is now accepting proposals for its annual spring conference, Languages: Beyond Boundaries. Proposals will be accepted immediately, continuing through 11:59 PM, Tuesday, January 5, 2021. Because Languages do take us Beyond Boundaries, we encourage all to submit a proposal for this, the...

Meeting the Challenges of Instruction, Practice, and Feedback in World Language Teaching Online See the recorded webinar here.   Recent world events have called us to make significant changes in our work lives and instructional practices from in-person and real-life activities to digital means of conveyance and execution. ...

NYSAFLT is excited to offer our annual Summer Institute as an online event this year! Receive up to 20 hours of professional development, as well as partake in online contests and virtual social hours. (Please consult local guidelines for earning PD hours. NYSAFLT will provide a...

Not just another boring webinar! FLAVA is always here to help you. During this unprecedented time of distance learning and teaching, FLAVA invites you to participate in a Virtual Collaboration for all World Language educators to be offered on May 7, May 14, and May 21 (4:00 PM –...

ACTFL sponsors a wonderful program called Leadership Initiative for Language Learning (LILL). FLAVA is encouraged to nominate a person to participate in this leadership training opportunity. Each of you deserves consideration! So, take a look at the attached information and form and apply by February...