Plan your #FLAVA19 on Sched!
It's time to start planning your schedule for #FLAVA19! Access SCHED to create your personalized conference schedule.
It's time to start planning your schedule for #FLAVA19! Access SCHED to create your personalized conference schedule.
Congratulations on another successful school year! Thanks for all you do for World Language programs and students, in and outside of the classroom. Here are two important registrations for consideration. If you would like some innovative ideas for instruction, the fall FLAVA conference is October 3-5,...
Full-time teaching opening for Levels 1-5 of high school French. See attachment for more information. french teacher high school ft 2019-20...
Dear Friends and Colleagues, I am happy to share with you an important update from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and Lead with Languages, ACTFL's public awareness campaign that strives to create a new generation of Americans competent in other languages and...
Goochland County Public Schools are anticipated middle school French and Spanish teacher vacancies for the 2019/20 SY. Attached you will find our most recent teacher job description including the salary range. Teacher Job Description - 2019_2020 ...
Let Languages Unlock Your World Please join us for FLAVA's annual fall conference 3-5 October in Williamsburg, VA. Learn more and register here. We look forward to seeing you there!...
Have you registered for the fall conference yet? You will not want to miss the keynote from Akash Patel, teacher and founder of the Happy World Foundation. Akash will also lead four sessions so you will have a chance to meet him and talk. Check...
Did you know that FLAVA has a peer mentoring network? This is for new teachers, veteran teachers, and all educators in between. Consider this a place to ask for ideas, to share experiences, and to connect with fellow world language educators across the commonwealth. Join the...
ACTFL's annual convention will take place in November in Washington DC and FLAVA is a co-host of the event! As such, if you are a FLAVA member, you can register for the ACTFL conference at the member rate. See the letter linked below to learn...