12 Sep Fall Registration and Conference Deadlines Approaching!
There are several upcoming conference deadlines. Take a look at these opportunities and join us in October!
Registration Deadlines
Remember the early bird deadline for the Fall FLAVA conference is September 16, 2018 at midnight. You can register at:
If you have not booked your hotel room, it it not too late! The DoubleTree has adjusted the price to the per diem government rate of $98. Rooms are still available Thursday and Friday
FLAVA is pleased to launch our online interactive schedule and app today. With SCHED, you will be able to create your own personal conference schedules, rate sessions, access all conference material, and receive real-time updates. You won’t miss out when you use SCHED for the Fall Conference. In order to save your schedule, be sure to create a free account with SCHED. To access SCHED and to start creating your conference schedules, please visit the following:
It’s not too late to participate in the FLAVA Talent Show or Photography Contest during the Fall Conference. Be sure to sign up to perform or submit your photos today.
Click here to learn about the Talent Show and to sign up to perform.
Click here to learn about the Photography Contest. All entries must be posted on the Photography Contest Padlet by September 15, 2018 at midnight.
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