Allison Carneiro da Silva
2016 David Cox Excellence in Teaching K-12 Award
FLAVA’s 2016 Teacher of the Year, Allison Carneiro de Silva, is a National Board certified teacher with a MAEd in Curriculum and Instruction. She serves as the department head at Stonewall Jackson Middle School, Hanover County Public Schools. Allison could definitely be described as a polyglot – she is licensed to teach French, Spanish and English, and is fluent in Portuguese and Italian.
Allison has demonstrated that her level 1 & 2 middle school students can work in group settings speaking only the target language. Her French level 2 students placed third in an online trivia/scavenger hunt open to all students in VA, MD and Washington, DC.
When asked about her motivation for teaching, Allison expressed her desire to “ – share my love of languages with students and inspire the same in them.”
Dr. Miao-fen Tseng
Helen Warriner-Burke Award
Dr. Miao-fen Tseng is FLAVA’s 2016 Helen Warriner-Burke Award recipient. Dr. Tseng holds a Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education and serves as an Associate Professor of Chinese at the University of Virginia.
Just a few of her many accomplishments include: she is a published author of many books, papers and book chapters; founded and led Chinese Language Teacher’s Academy-VA; helped to implement first Chinese AP exams; served as the inaugural Director of the World Languages Institute at UVa; awarded a federal grant for STARTALK Chinese Teacher Academy and Student Academy; member of Language and Culture Task Force; primary Director at Dean’s office UVa/Duke/Vanderbilt Consortium for Less Commonly Taught Languages; served on FLAVA Board of Directors; will serve as Program Chair for second International Conference of Associations of Chinese Language Schools.
One of Dr. Tseng’s many impressed students stated that Dr. Tseng “- made an extraordinary effort to make your undergraduate experience – or that of your fellow students – better.”
Vista Higher Learning
Friend of FLAVA Award
Vista Higher Learning received the 2016 Friend of FLAVA Award. FLAVA is indeed fortunate to count on the support and sponsorship of this generous and inspiring company.
VHL has never refused FLAVA with any funding requests. VHL’s sponsorship afforded FLAVA to produce its first Spring Conference that was held at Washington and Lee University April 16, 2016. In addition, VHL sponsored the first Presidential Reception in Honor of Pre-Service and First Year Teachers at the 2015 FLAVA Conference.
Beyond VHL’s financial support of FLAVA, we enjoy the benefits of their exhibitions at FLAVA Conferences. VHL is a true friend of World language educators as the company listens to our suggestions and concerns and provides an ever improving plethora of educational materials to feed the hungry minds of our language students.
Stephanie Buckler
University of Mary Washington
Sierra Garland
Longwood University
Kimberly Herrling
Longwood University
Samantha Vasquez
Virginia Tech