23 Nov Message from the President, November 2020
Hello FLAVA,
The Foreign Language Association of Virginia is now accepting proposals for its annual spring conference, Languages: Beyond Boundaries. Proposals will be accepted immediately, continuing through 11:59 PM, Tuesday, January 5, 2021.
Because Languages do take us Beyond Boundaries, we encourage all to submit a proposal for this, the sixth spring conference for FLAVA.
How do we define Boundaries? The answer to this question is multi-fold. Boundaries keep us in our homes, in your yards, in our cities, in our counties, in our states, and in our countries. Boundaries keep us among our own; boundaries sometimes confine us and prevent us from achieving what we know we can do.
The key to going Beyond these Boundaries truly is Languages. Communication is imperative as we learn to recognize and appreciate each other for what we all are.
As you reflect upon the content of your proposal and what the objectives for your session might be, consider ways that all can be brought into the conversation. No one likes to be left out.
It is up to us to cross the Boundaries and bring a stranger home.
Please submit a proposal. Here is the link to submit your proposal.
Below is logistical information concerning the conference.
Conference Theme. Languages: Beyond Boundaries
Date. March 27, 2021
Start Time. 9:00 AM EDT
End Time. 4:00 PM EDT
Method of Delivery. All Virtual via Zoom
Session Length. 45 Minutes Each
Registration Fee. $20.00
Conference Registration Opens. January 11, 2021
Lynn M.
Posted at 09:11h, 08 DecemberI love this year’s theme and graphic. I cannot wait to attend the virtual meeting this year! Thank you so much for the opportunity!