14 Jan SCOLT Scholarships Available
Greetings and Happy New Year from SCOLT!As you begin 2019, I would like to ask you to reach out to all FLAVA members and encourage them apply for the 2019 SCOLT Study Abroad Scholarships. Our donors have been so generous and we will once again offer the following scholarships for language educators:Centro MundoLenguaAcademia LatinoamericanaEstudio SampereCemanahuac Educational CommunityGöethe InstitutNEW for 2019: In addition to our scholarships for teachers, SCOLT is very proud to announce the first Ken Stewart Future Language Educator Scholarship for a lucky high school senior planning a career in foreign language education. For details, please visit http://scolt.org/index.php/scholarships/ken-stewart- future-language-educator- scholarship Information about each scholarship can be found at http://scolt.org/index.php/scholarships. Our past scholarship recipients have told us that their experiences have been wonderfully life-changing, so we have posted videos of their travels as well as other materials on the SCOLT Scholarship page at http://scolt.org/index.php/ scholarships/presentations- resources. The deadline for applications for each scholarship is January 31, 2019. If you have any questions, please let me know. I will be happy to help.Thank you very much and we hope to see you at the 2019 SCOLT Conference on March 21-23 in Myrtle Beach, SCBest,Carolyn WrightSCOLT Scholarship Director
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