16 Oct President’s Message 15 October 2018
Just two quick, but very important, announcements for your consideration:
At our fall conference, it was my honor to receive a certificate from the Spanish Embassy to be awarded to one of our members for a scholarship to study abroad this coming summer (2019) in Spain. Here is the link to learn more about the program: https://www.mecd.gob.es/eeuu/
convocatorias-programas/ convocatorias-eeuu/cursos- verano.html.
If you are interested in applying to be FLAVA’s recipient of this scholarship, please fill out this form by November 18, 2018. The selection committee will notify the winner by January 15, 2019.
Please note that the Spanish Embassy would like for us to arrange our schedule of selecting winners so that the Embassy can announce the winner at our fall conferences in the future. Hence, there will be another application process in June for the summer of 2020 to accommodate a 2019 fall conference announcement.
Martha Davis, our Mentoring Chair, has created a simple Google form for you to fill out if you are interested in the FLAVA Peer Mentoring Network. Please complete the information below to become or find a mentor.
Hope all of you are safe from our last hurricane and are enjoying this beautiful fall weather!
Sue Robertson
President, Foreign Language Association of Virginia
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